Assam University Recruitment 2017 – Teaching & Non Teaching Posts: Assam University has been published notification of recruitment for Teaching & None Teaching Posts. Here you can read all the information like Educational Details, Age Limit, Pay Scale or No of Posts. Read more below...
Assam University Vacancy Details:
Organization: Assam University
Official Website:
Total No.of Posts: 11
Name of the Post:
1. Guest Faculty - UR: 04 Posts
- OBC: 03 Posts
- SC: 01 Post
3. Research Associate: 01
4. Technical Assistant : 01
Educational Qualification:
1. Guest Faculty:
- Candidates should possess First class Master’s Degree in Agricultural/ Civil/ Mechanical Engineering & Technology.
- Candidates should possess M.Sc. in Life Science/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Botany or related discipline with good academic records.
- Candidates should posses Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Veterinary Science/ Zoology (preferably in the field of Genomics) with good academic records/ research impacted publication as well as technical skill in Molecular Biology like DNA Sequencing, Sequence analysis and Phylogenetic analysis, Real time PCR, etc.
4. Technical Assistant:
- Candidates should posses 2nd Class Bachelor Degree in relevant subject from recognized University/ Institute or Diploma in relevant subject from recognized University/ Institute with adequate experience.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.